This is the online version of the Oneironaut documentation.

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The practitioners of this art would cast their so-called Hexes by drawing strange patterns in the air with a staff-- or craft powerful magical items to do the casting for them. How might I do the same?

Iron DoorA Reflection on Slipways

The slipways, they must lead somewhere. Wisps do not simply manifest from nothing. No matter what I try, I cannot insert so much as a finger through that chaotic rift.

I'm going about this wrong. Perhaps rather than attempting to force my way through, I should be attempting to calm the storm.



A large amount of harmonious media may just do it...

I devote this section to the magical and mysterious items I might encounter in my studies.

It seems like many of these items have uses when held alongside my staff. I suppose I will have to choose what goes in my other hand carefully.

Wisp LanternWisp Lanterns

I've found that by using materials unique to the Noosphere, I can create a special jar capable of producing and containing a tiny wisp. While this wisp cannot cast anything, it emits quite a bit of light, and will mimic pigments shown to it.
I can also craft a version with tinted glass, in case the wisp's light would disrupt my study's aesthetic.

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Wisp Lantern
Crafting Table
Edified Planks
Pseudoamethyst Block
Noosphere Basalt
Wisp Lantern
Tinted Wisp Lantern
Crafting Table
Tinted Glass
Edified Planks
Tinted Glass
Tinted Glass
Pseudoamethyst Block
Tinted Glass
Tinted Glass
Noosphere Basalt
Tinted Glass
Tinted Wisp Lantern

Netherite SwordMind Render

I've read legends of a particularly macabre form of weapon known as a Mind Render. This weapon, sometimes used by ancient hexcasters, is capable of severing a creature's very thoughts, dealing damage that bypasses all known forms of protection. What's more, if this damage leaves the target just on the brink of true death, it will fall into a vegetative state, never to recover. I shudder to think of what the ancients may have used this property for...

Empower Mind Render (entity →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qweqadeqadeqadqqqwdaqedaqedaqeqaqdwawdwawdwaqawdwawdwawddwwwwwqdeddw

Accepts an item or item frame bearing the Sharpness enchantment, and converts it into Mind Render of the same level. Cost is based on enchantment level, and increases by 50% if the item is a book.

Anti-Raycast SlateRaycast Blocking

By "threading" pseudoamethyst through a block, I can create something which causes any raycast (including entity raycasts) that hits or passes through it to return null, as if it didn't hit anything.

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Anti-Raycast Slate
Crafting Table
Pseudoamethyst Shard
Pseudoamethyst Shard
Block of Slate
Pseudoamethyst Shard
Pseudoamethyst Shard
Anti-Raycast Slate
Anti-Raycast Glass
Crafting Table
Pseudoamethyst Shard
Pseudoamethyst Shard
Pseudoamethyst Shard
Pseudoamethyst Shard
Anti-Raycast Glass

Reverberation RodReverberation Rod

I've discovered that I can craft a peculiar sort of casting item, using the strange shards found in ancient cities.
This item is unusual in that it casts its imbued hex twenty times per second while I concentrate on it, until it either mishaps or I cast Finale or Encore. This initiates a cooldown period, usually about one second.

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Reverberation Rod
Crafting Table
Echo Shard
Charged Amethyst
Echo Shard
Reverberation Rod

The echo shards seem to bear some bizarre form of media, with a tendency to loop back on itself while retaining a bit of the previous cast.

Conduct Rod (entity, list of patterns →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eqqqqqawweqqqqqawweqqqqqawwdeqewwwwweqeeeqewwwwweqe

Acts just like the spells used to program conventional casting items. Costs 10 Charged Amethyst.

Baton Reflection (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwqqqwqawa

When cast with a Reverberation Rod, returns my look vector from when I started the current cast loop.

Baton Reflection II (→ vector)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwqqqwqawaa

When cast with a Reverberation Rod, returns my eye position from when I started the current cast loop.

Metronome Reflection (→ number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwqqqwqawaaw

When cast with a Reverberation Rod, returns the timestamp from when I started the current cast loop.

Metronome Gambit (number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwqqqwqaqddq

Accepts a positive integer. When cast with a Reverberation Rod, delays the current cast loop's next cast until that many twentieths of a second have passed.


Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: aqdeeweeew

When cast with a Reverberation Rod, forcibly halts the current cast loop.

Encore (number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deaqqwqqqw

Accepts a positive integer. Halts the current cast loop but also reduces the cooldown period from 1 second to ((1/20) * number) seconds. Cooldown due to mishap is unaffected.

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Echo Staff
Crafting Table
Charged Amethyst
Echo Shard
Echo Staff

Echo shards can also be used in the construction of a staff, though it seems the only special property of such a staff is making sculk sounds.

I have seen... so much. I have... experienced... annihilation and deconstruction and reconstruction. I have seen the atoms of the world screaming as they were inverted and subverted and demoted to energy. I have seen I have seen I have sget stick bugged lmao

Noosphere BasaltA Strange Realm

I've made it.
The realm beyond the slipways. The ambient media is overwhelming. My mind is screaming at me, telling me I shouldn't be here. But I must press on. This is the next step in the journey.

Every single thing I've examined here seems to be composed largely of media, similar to conjured matter, but orders of magnitude denser.Even the air is media. How am I breathing?

How can I even exist here?

Pseudoamethyst ShardThoughtful Materials

Thought Slurry

Spotlight inventory slot Thought Slurry Bucket

A strange fluid which agitates media entering it, preventing amethyst crystal formation. Stimulates my mind in pleasing ways when I immerse myself in it.

Spotlight inventory slot Noosphere Basalt

A rock which is primarily composed of media, somehow. Can be used to craft spell circle blocks.

Spotlight inventory slot Pseudoamethyst Block

A large crystal of media much like amethyst, but not quite the same. Produces a buzzing sensation under my fingers when I touch it, as if its media is stimulating the nerves. Breaking it without special care causes it to shatter into 1-4 pieces.

Spotlight inventory slot Pseudoamethyst Shard

The shards can be used to fuel spells, and yield slightly more energy than a normal amethyst shard. Can also be used to craft several interesting things.

Budding PseudoamethystBetter Media Farming

I've found that the amethyst-like material native to the noosphere can be imbued with a villager's mind, much like normal amethyst. What's more, the block that results from this process produces significantly more media than normal Budding Amethyst, and it can be picked up and moved if one takes special care.

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Budding Pseudoamethyst
Flay Mind Recipe GUI Master Villager
Hero of the Village Villager must be a Master or higher
Pseudoamethyst Block
Budding Pseudoamethyst

Pseudoamethyst requires a stronger mind than normal amethyst, but the cost is well worth it.

Amazingly, the media generation rate of budding pseudoamethyst is such that even when immersed in thought slurry to inhibit crystal formation, it will still yield usable amounts of media. While the overall supply is nigh-endless, the amount accessible to any given action is quite small, like an inch-deep ocean a million miles across. However, due to this minimal depth, the media will dissipate rapidly before reaching my staff when accessed from afar, such as when recharging an item.

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Inexhaustible Phial
Crafting Table
Gold Ingot
Budding Pseudoamethyst
Gold Ingot
Thought Slurry Bucket
Phial of Media
Inexhaustible Phial

Constantly provides about a tenth of an amethyst dust worth of media. While I certainly can hold several of these in order to gain access to more easy media, this results in rapidly-diminishing returns.

Magenta CandleSentinel Detection

By combining the noosphere's pseudoamethyst with the organic sensory apparatus native to the deep dark, I've discovered a way to detect fluctuations in ambient media. This new form of sensor detects the presence of Sentinels within approximately 16 meters, and outputs a redstone signal based on its proximity to the closest one. Comparators attached to it will output a signal if the sentinel in question is particularly powerful.

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Sentinel Sensor
Crafting Table
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Pseudoamethyst Block
Sculk Sensor
Pseudoamethyst Block
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Sentinel Sensor

I'm sure the warden won't mind.

Additionally, this sensor can be incorporated into a Cleric Impetus, allowing it to activate when a sentinel is placed in the area (albeit with a lower range than the plain sensor). I've dubbed this contraption a Seer Impetus. Though it no longer responds to redstone, the circle's hex will start with a reference to the owner of the triggering sentinel on the stack.
Due to the media interference produced by the cast, the impetus cannot detect sentinels it places itself.

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Seer Impetus
Crafting Table
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Sentinel Sensor
Block of Slate
Block of Slate
Cleric Impetus
Block of Slate
Seer Impetus

As the sensor does not care whose sentinel it sees, I should take care to avoid allowing my trap circles to target me.

Scrutinize Sentinel (vec, player → num | NULL)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: waeawaeddwwd

Accepts a vector and a player, and returns either the distance from the vector to the target player's sentinel or NULL. Costs a negligible amount of media.

Conjures a fleeting sensor at the target coordinates, which "listens" to the patterns in the ambient media to seek out the telltale signature of a sentinel.

A list of all the patterns I've discovered, as well as what they do.

End Portal FrameDimension Iotas

I've descovered a kind of iota which seems to represent a layer of reality itself. In lieu of better understanding, I've decided to call these Spatial Imprints.

Spatial Reflection (→ Imprint)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwaeqqe

Returns a Spatial Imprint representing the dimension I am currently in. Costs a negligible amount of media.

Spatial Reflection II (→ Imprint | NULL)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqwqwqwqwqwaqeeq

Returns a Spatial Imprint representing the dimension my sentinel is currently in. Costs a slightly-less-negligible amount of media.

Item FrameItem Frame Patterns

I've found a few patterns designed to interact with item frames. Nothing fancy, but they're nice utility for things like controlling my spell circles.

Additionally, it seems Sorter's Purification works on them just fine, so my attempts to find a dedicated frame-item pattern were pointless.

Decorator's Purification (item frame → number)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwawwqwwawwaeae

Accepts an item frame entity, and returns its rotation, from 0 to 7.

Decorator's Gambit (item frame, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwawwqwwawwaqdq

Accepts an item frame entity and an integer from 0 to 7, and sets its rotation to the number. Costs a negligible amount of media.

PotionStatus Iotas

These patterns work with a type of iota that represents lingering effects on a creature, which can allow me to asses the state of a creature more thoroughly than with only Nurse's Purification.
While my research suggests that status iotas representing instantaneous effects are possible, they would be very difficult to obtain, and I cannot think of any use case for them at the moment.

Apothecary's Prfn. (entity → [status])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqedwd

Accepts a living entity, and returns a list status iotas representing all effects on the target.

Apothecary's Prfn. II (status → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeeqawa

Accepts a status effect type, and returns a number based on whether the effect is likely to be helpful, harmful, or neutral to a creature.

Pharmacist's Prfn. (entity, status → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqedwdwd

Accepts an entity and a status effect type, and returns the effect on the target's duration in seconds.

Pharmacist's Prfn. II (entity, status → num)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeeqawawa

Accepts an entity and a status effect type, and returns the effect on the target's potency.

Entity Distillation: Status (status, vector → entity | NULL)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eaeeeeeae

Accepts a status effect type and a vector, and returns an entity at that position which has that effect.

Zone Exltn.: Status (status, vec, num → [entity])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: ewqqqqqwe

Accepts a status effect type, a vector, and a number (n), and returns a list of entities within radius n of the vector which have that effect.

Zone Exltn.: Not-Status (status, vec, num → [entity])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qweeeeewq

Accepts a status effect type, a vector, and a number (n), and returns a list of entities within radius n of the vector which do not have that effect.

Cleanse Status (entity, status →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eeeeedaqdewed

Accepts an entity and a status effect type, and removes that status effect from the entity. Cost is based on the effect's innate harmfulness, its potency, and its remaining duration.

Costs more if attempting to remove a positive effect from an entity other than myself.

All of the patterns which deal with a specific status effect on an entity have the side effect that if the entity does not currently have the specified effect, the pattern will fail and inflict nausea upon me.

Medium ScrollIdea Inscription

As the noosphere is a realm of thought, it stands to reason that it could be used for information storage. These patterns do just that, inscribing an iota into the noosphere and reading it back (regardless of my current dimension). They can also store iotas inside the minds of other beings, assuming their thoughts are as... unfettered as my own. In the notation for these patterns, "key" refers to any vector or compatible entity.

While this is quite versatile, the noosphere's ambient media is constantly in motion, and as such any iota stored in it will eventually be lost, similar to if I poured hot water into the ocean. It seems to take about an hour before such information decays into unusable garbage.

It seems that Akashic Libraries work based on similar principles, where the shelves serve as insulation to prevent decay.

Inscribe Idea (key, any →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eweweweweweeewqaqwe

Accepts a valid key and any iota, and stores it in the corresponding location. Costs about 1 amethyst dust.

Retrieve Idea (key → any)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwqwqwqwqwqqqwedewq

Accepts a valid key, and returns the corresponding iota. Costs about 1 amethyst dust.

Metadata Purification (key → number | NULL)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwqwqwqwqwqqqeqaqeq

Accepts a valid key, and returns when the corresponding iota was inscribed, or NULL. Costs a negligible amount of media.

Metadata Distillation (key, player → bool)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qwqwqwqwqwqaeqedeqe

Accepts a valid key and a player, and returns whether the corresponding iota was inscribed by that player. Costs a negligible amount of media.

Patterns and actions that perform a magical effect on the world.

Externalize Pigment

Externalize Pigment (Vector, itemtype →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: eqdweeqdwweeqddqdwwwdeww

Accepts a vector and an itemtype representing a pigment. Costs a negligible amount of media if targeting my own block, or 1 Amethyst Dust if not.

Sets the colors of the conjured block corresponding to the vector to the colorset represented by the passed pigment, or mine if passed a NULL iota.

Not guaranteed to work with unconventional forms of conjured matter.

Feels strangely celebratory, as if something similar was once used in grand festivals where teams would splatter their colors all over their opponents' territory in a bid for ideological dominance.

Blaze PowderParticle Burst

Particle Burst (vec, vec, num, num →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: deeeewaaddwqqqqa

Accepts two vectors and two numbers, and uses them to define a burst of particles. Costs a negligible amount of media.

The first vector determines the burst's origin position, and the second vector determines its direction and speed. The first number determines the scale of random numbers added to each position component, and the second does the same for the direction vector.

The spells catalogued here are purported to be of legendary difficulty and power. They seem to have been recorded only sparsely (for good reason, the texts claim). It's probably just the hogwash of extinct traditionalists, though-- a pattern's a pattern. What could possibly go wrong?

Charged AmethystMedia Infusion

Media Infusion (Vector →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wwaqqqqqeqqqwwwqqeqqwwwqqweqadadadaqeqeqadadadaqe

Accepts a vector and infuses media into the corresponding block in order to transmute it. Cost and exact effect vary depending on target.

Conceptually, this spell is quite similar to Edify Sapling.
However, the media that the target block receives is far more finely-tuned, and can thus achieve far more interesting results.

Eye of EnderNoetic Gateway

Noetic Gateway (Entity, Imprint →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qeewwwweeqeqeewwwweeqdqqdwwwdqeqdwwwdqdadwwdqdwwddadaqadaawww

Accepts an entity and a Spatial Imprint and teleports the entity to its position in the corresponding dimension. Costs 20 Charged Amethyst.

Also triggers some sort of safety net once the target reaches its destination, in case it arrives somewhere inherently dangerous.

Will fail if supplied a player other than myself.

I get a strange sense of acceleration when subjected to this spell, but somehow it isn't along any axis I can comprehend.

Ender ChestSpatial Interchange

Spatial Interchange ([vec, vec], [vec, vec], Imprint →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wqqqwwwwwqqqwwwqdaqadwqqwdaqadweqeqqqqeqeqaqeqedeqeqa

Accepts two lists of two vectors, to define two cuboids, and a Spatial Imprint. These cuboids must have the exact same dimensions and rotation.

I'm not quite sure what this one is supposed to do, it's always yelling at me about special dimensions. Perhaps it needs to use this special dimension as an intermediary?

Exchanges the blocks within the first cuboid in your current dimension (which must be within ambit) for the blocks within the second cuboid in the dimension corresponding to the Spatial Imprint. Costs 5 Charged Amethyst, plus half an Amethyst dust per cubic meter in the cuboid.
Will not exchange any unbreakable blocks, or blocks with significant data.
One or both of the endpoint dimensions must be the noosphere.


While conventional invisibility potions work just fine for fooling human senses, they are useless against hexes, so I've yet to find any method of making oneself completely undetectable. However, this spell I've discovered allows me to get closer to that goal, scattering media around a creature like chaff, in order to interfere with hex-based detection methods.

Stealth Shroud (entity, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: wawwwdwdwwaqqqqqe

Accepts a living entity and a number (n), and shields the entity from hex-based detection for n seconds. Costs two amethyst dust per second.

Also drains media from the entity at a rate of 1/10 of a dust per second, as the shielding effect collects it to produce the chaff.

I should be careful with what I apply this to, as creatures with no loose media of their own will have their very minds fractured in order to provide this media.

While this is very effective at blocking effects such as Scout's Distillation and the various forms of Zone Distillation, it has no effect on Entity Distillation variants, as those already have a fairly precise idea of where you are. What's more, the chaff itself produces an energy signautre, which, while dim, is detectable by a specialized pattern.

Discern Shroud (vector, number → [vector])

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqwwaawewaawdww

Accepts a vector and a number, and returns a list of unit vectors pointing from the initial vector to shrouded entities within a radius defined by the number.

Hidden Sun's Zenith (entity, number →)

Your browser does not support visualizing patterns. Pattern code: qqqqqaewawaweqa

I've also discovered a spell which applies normal Invisibility. Functions just like the normal Zeniths, and costs one amethyst dust per three seconds.